....and Action!!
So tomorrow we begin our first day of principle photography and then 20 days of back to back mind-numbing shooting.
So I thought this would be as good a time as any to announce some of our amazing leads.
I think most of you know that we cast Andrew J West as the malicious force playing opposite Jim in this film. Andrew skyrocketed after his short but scary star-turn as the creepy Gareth in Walking Dead. And more recently starring opposite William H Macey and Neve Campbell in the hit comedy film "Walter"
We are also graced with the soulful presence of another amazing actress, Anne Dudek who plays the love interest and brightest spot in the film. Anne comes to us from her regular stint on Mad Men, House, and Big Love and she just completed a new series for HBO directed by Gus Van Saint.
You may not know him but you know him. Tracey Walter plays the burned-out desert-rat priest Fr. Rickey in the film. Tracy is a veteran of over 170 films and you know him from his great character turns in everything from Repo Man, to Tim Burton's Batman, Silence of the Lambs and over 9 Nicholson films. Tracy is the real deal. Has great chops and great Hollywood tales.
Lastly is a last minute gift to us. Mr. Josh McDermitt. Josh met Andrew West on the set of the Walking Dead where he currently plays Dr. Eugene Porter on the hit ACM series. Josh heard about our little adventure and wanted in after he read the script. It's a complete 180 from his character on WD and we have been fortunate enough to be able to fly him up from Atlanta in between takes to have him throw his talent into the troublemaking T-Bird..
So that's a start. There are also a dozen other great characters who you will recognize from the big and small screen who all come in and out of the film.
We couldn't be happier and feel more lucky than to have this cast.
And a crew, producers, DP, and design team who have all been working 24/7 to take on this monumental feat. It all kicks into high tomorrow. We'll try and keep you posted on the mayhem as we move forward.
Thanks again for all the support. Over and Out for now.
Team Middle Man