One Night Left
Welp.....all good things must come to an end. It's been a blur of a shoot and tonight will mark the last night of our principal photography. It's been 17 days of shooting over the last 20 and I have to say I wish we could back and do it all again.
Sad daysas one by one we had to picture wrap our amazing and talented lead actors.
Tracy Walter, a gem of a guy. One of the kindest and sweetest guys you's meet with a thousand Hollywood tales. Told me on his last night
this was the best experience in film he's had in the last 15 years. How great did that make us all feel?
Josh McDermitt wrapped the other night after an incredible and terrifying performance. Any walking Dead fans will not even recognize him in this thing.
And then last night we wrapped one of our brightest stars. Annie Dudek, who I think we put through almost as much turmoil as Jim's character Lenny. I was not familiar with her work but she is an amazing nuanced actor who brought such depth and heart to the role of Grail.
And we finally got to see Andy West in the famed nose and glasses last night. It was a surreal sight as he held up a local convenience store.
We have one final big scene to shoot tonight....rolling at midnight. And then we have to bat clean up and beg Jim and Andy to help us grab some stray shots over the next few weeks.
And Jim? Well I have to say I've known the guy for 30 years and he continued to surprise and amaze me on a day by day basis with his subtle, funny, sad, and heartfeltperformance. And absolutely amazing actor who will leave you breathless by the end of this film.
And I have to say he has also trulybeen the backbone of this production. Even though it appears to be a very tiring job.
We'll try and keep the info flowing. Thanks for all your kind words of support throughout this process.
We have a long road ahead of us as we head into post and editing next month. But with one night to go we couldn't have asked for a better start.